Wednesday, May 20, 2015

"Cuteness Kills: The Case Against Teacup Dogs"

Here I have attached an article describing the terrors of miniature dog breeding. These "teacup" dogs are basically bred by reproduction between underfed, starving parents, and this is a cycle that goes on and on until eventually the puppies produced are 1/10th the size of their "normal" sized counterparts. The commodification of these animals is atrocious, but somehow has turned into a fad, especially among younger generations. The cuteness factor of these dogs has brought them into high demand for trendy teens and adults, and consumers of these "products" encourage the maltreatment of domestic canines. Ultimately, I think the desire for pets like these is a subconscious power trope of humans, because of how easy they are to manipulate. Unlike larger, sturdier animals, these tiny creatures can be picked up, tossed around, and controlled. They are extremely fragile and prone to bad accidents, but somehow their cuteness allows them to be sought out as household pets. Read the original blog post here:

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